Who Are Cyber Security Warranty Providers, and How They Protect SMBs

Who Are Cyber Security Warranty Providers, and How They Protect SMBs

Starting and sustaining a new business is no small feat. According to a 2021 study, the road to entrepreneurship is fraught with obstacles, with 20% of small businesses failing within their first year.

The challenges do not diminish with time; 30% of small businesses shut down by their second year, and a staggering 50% do not make it past their fifth year.

With limited resources and expertise, many SMBs struggle to safeguard themselves from the ever-evolving threat landscape.

To mitigate these risks, SMBs must adopt a multi-layered cybersecurity strategy. This includes implementing strong access controls, regular employee security training, up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware solutions, software updates and patch management, and robust data backup practices.

While these measures are crucial, they may not be sufficient. This is where cyber warranty services come into play. Unlike traditional cyber insurance policies focusing on post-incident recovery, cyber security warranties emphasize proactive protection.

By partnering with reputable cybersecurity warranty providers, SMBs can gain access to a broad range of security services designed to prevent cyberattacks and minimize their impact. But first, let’s understand what makes SMBs vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Why Are SMBs Prime Targets for Cyber Attacks?

Outdated Software
Unpatched software contains security holes attackers can exploit.
Weak Passwords
Easy-to-guess passwords are a common entry point for breaches.
Lack of Employee Training
Unaware employees can fall victim to phishing scams or malware.
Unsecured Networks
Open Wi-Fi networks or weak encryption expose sensitive data.
Neglecting Patch Management
Failure to update software leaves systems vulnerable to known threats.
Unmonitored Systems
Unmonitored systems allow attackers to exploit vulnerabilities undetected.

By understanding these vulnerabilities, we provide warranty coverage at Asgrad that will help our customers recover instantly during a cyber-attack. Let’s discover how we, as cybersecurity warranty providers, safeguard SMBs.

Asgard as Cyber Security Warranty Providers: Protecting SMBs

As a cybersecurity warranty provider, we implement a multi-layered approach to protect SMBs. Here’s a flowchart to illustrate the typical process:

Identify Threats: First, we start with regular assessments to identify SMB’s IT infrastructure vulnerabilities. These audits uncover potential weaknesses, enabling the development of tailored cybersecurity strategies. Regular inspections ensure new threats are promptly identified and addressed.

Implement Protections: After identifying vulnerabilities, we deploy measures like EDR systems. We also enforce strong password policies, apply regular software updates and patches, and educate employees on cybersecurity best practices, creating multiple layers of defense.

Monitor and Respond: Continuous monitoring detects real-time anomalies and potential security incidents. As a cyber warranty provider, we establish incident response plans that reduce the impact of attacks and prevent further damage.

Warranty Activation: In the event of a breach, warranties provide financial and operational support for data recovery, legal fees, notification expenses, and business interruption losses. This financial backing is crucial for SMBs that may not have the reserves to absorb significant losses from a cyber incident.

Recovery and Mitigation: We focus on recovery and future mitigation after addressing a breach. We assist in restoring systems, recovering data, and investigating the breach.

Additionally, ongoing training and awareness programs for employees emphasize the importance of cybersecurity, keeping everyone updated on the latest threats and mitigation strategies.


As cyber threats continue to escalate, cybersecurity warranty providers are becoming an essential resource for SMBs. By offering tailored coverage, fast financial support, and comprehensive incident management, we help businesses confidently navigate the complex world of cybersecurity.

Also Read: What is Cyber Security and Why Cyber Security Warranty Important for Business

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