The New Standards of Disaster Recovery Every Care Organizations Needs to Survive Without Expensive Onsite Consultants in Under 2 Hours

This exclusive report is designed to explain to you in the most straightforward way the new standards we have found to be the most impactful additions to any disaster recovery plan. We are now encouraging all health care organization to incorporate them into their disaster recovery plan and use them to make their service coverage more robust and their organization more resilient.

A big myth in disaster recovery is that you must hire consultants and pay exorbitant prices to have them evaluate your IT environment and provide them volumes of information over a period of weeks.

The New Standards of Disaster Recovery puts this myth to bed and has been proven to massively reduce the time and expense for care organizations to achieve recovery and comply with HIPAA Rules. In fact, 100% of care organizations using the New Standards Plan fully recovery from ransomware attacks.

Leadership and Accomplishments

Asgard Managed Services is led by its CEO, Brian Waltermire. With Brian at the helm, the company has achieved major miles stones; most notably, Asgard was the 1st to deploy Allscripts as a cloud based service (the medical record keeping program), produced over 1000 New Standards Disaster Recovery Plans for care organizations, and was the 1st to implement The Secure Domain Technology in the health care industry for storing and sending medical records securely. Asgard’s focus is on its clients and excels in the fields of disaster recovery and organization resiliency.

The truth is disasters come from anywhere and according to the former Director of National Security, John Inglis, the number-one threat experienced to date by the US electrical grid is squirrels. That’s right, squirrels. I mention this because the reality is disasters come in many shapes and sizes but most importantly, when you least expect them. The only way around that is preparation.

Ransomware Case Study

To illustrate the needs for improved recovery planning we’ll now introduce a real struggle at a large specialty practice who came to us and needed help. The businesses name has been generalized to protect their practices. An employee clicked on a malicious link in her email which released ransomware that encrypted all the practice’s files. They didn’t want to pay the ransom because they had off-site backups and thought that was sufficient to restore their data. The problem was they only had backups of their files, not for their applications and operating systems. In this case the file backups did them no good because without the applications being fully reinstalled the file backups couldn’t be opened. They eventually did restore some of their systems but not until they’d already lost 100’s of thousands of dollars due to extended company downtime.

We see this play out time and time again. It doesn’t take many painful situations to make you realize there is a serious gap in care organizations Disaster Recovery planning. While 75% of care organizations don’t have The New Standards Plan most do have some form of backup data as these guys did.

The problem is, without a well laid out plan that accounts for your company’s specific operational needs and a service to match, restoration is difficult to achieve.

Who is the New Standards of Disaster Recovery for?

The New Standards are for essentially any care or payer organization that has more than 50 employees and must maintain backups and failover capabilities to comply with HIPAA and ensure their businesses continuity. This plan is amazing because it’s been built methodically as a result of our struggles servicing a myriad of care organizations and it’s completely scalable for the 50 person organization or the 1000 person hospital.

If you’ve struggled in the past to recover from a disaster it’s not your fault! According to Gartner nearly 72% of organizations have had to implement some type of recovery of their data while over 85% of organizations do not have The New Standards Plan. You see the mismatch here? It’s at this critical stage, the attempted restore without an appropriate plan that outages escalate to emergencies! It’s like renting a car in a foreign country and leaving the rent a car center without a map. You know where you need to go but without the map you’ll most likely never get there. Foreign Street signs, different languages, things you don’t expect to make a material difference in your travels, but always do. At some point you realize it’s going to take you days to get where you need to go versus what could’ve been a direct shot with the map. Recovering from an outage is very similar. Failed recoveries are one of the leading causes for fines, lost reputation, and lost revenues.

The number one reason we have seen care organizations be unprepared is due to the misleading information that comes from data backup services. In fact I’m willing to bet you’ve felt uneasiness about your current plan because you may have been misled with the same type of information. Keeping patient health information safe and secure is our top priority and keeping HHS and HIPAA out of your office is a huge benefit to your organization.

Over half of IT Departments say disasters consume 100% of their resources

When there’s a disaster everything stops! We see it time and time again, organizations believe they have a sufficient plan in place because they have backups somewhere and they may have even restored files from those backups in the past, but a rough plan in your head does not measure up to the demands that will be made on you during a full blown emergency. How could it? After all, you have multiple departments, different applications, data stores, and requirements around each of those. Specifics must be laid out and followed to effectively restore your organizations life blood.

The leading issues that arise during an outage are:

• Lost productivity / efficiency
• System downtime
• Lengthy or failed restores
• Lost revenues
• Customer attrition

Our goal for this report

• To show you the only way for you to achieve true resiliency in your organization is by understanding the gaps in your current service.
• And the only way to understand the gaps in your current service is through a New Standards Disaster Recovery planning consultation.

Every organization is unique, so to be effective it’s critical to work with an expert partner who will be able to identify the gaps in your service to make sure nothing is missed during this critical stage of your resiliency planning. By understanding the New Standards of Disaster Recovery Planning, which you’re about to learn, you’ll be guaranteed a fast and accurate recovery during an emergency. Once The New Standards are implemented relief and peace of mind are the most common client feedback compliments we receive.

The CTO of a large specialty practice we serve recently told us that he feels relieved every morning when he comes into the office and sees that his backups are running in his recovery monitor and his cloud data is ready that he feels a sense of relief.

Origins of The New Standards Disaster Recovery Plan

In 2013, Asgard was strictly in the cloud services business, providing high security cloud hosting to customers but when we were asked to provide AllScripts to several thousand care organizations we got our first real glimpse into the dismal state of those care organizations disaster readiness. We saw a massive opportunity to help them because honestly, the level of preparedness of care organizations was almost nonexistent. Even those who had backups didn’t have a service robust enough nor a matching plan that would get them through an emergency outage where they had to access their data from the cloud.

We hadn’t intended to get into the disaster recovery business and to be honest we had a lot to learn about it but because the need was staring us right in the face and we we’re already expert at cloud hosting we saw a way to help our clients even further.
The AllScripts experience immediately opened our eyes to the tremendous unpreparedness of the vast majority of care organizations we’d encountered. We weren’t experts ourselves in the beginning but we know we could help our clients make huge strides in their resiliency preparedness.

It was that massive gap in preparedness that led us to create EverShield, our robust disaster recovery service for health care. We struggled for a long time to build the best service for care organizations. Over several years we tested dozens of types of backup software, different cloud configurations and hardware but we finally put together a solution that met the needs of our growing health care client base and HIPAA requirements. Our clients we’re happy and they were coming to us in droves to sign up.

So, there we were, delivering AllScripts to thousands of care organizations, taking care of their disaster recovery with our awesome new EverShield service and then it hit us, not all at once, but one by one, like dominos, we started encountering the same issues every time one of our clients had a big outage and required our support to get their data restored. It was mass confusion and 5 alarm fires.

I remember one specialty practice, they were a large endoscopy practice, they had around 9 offices, who had our full cloud and onsite backup solution, and we’d just gotten them onto the platform about 6 weeks prior, man we thought we were prepared, but when the hurricane hit, not only could they not get to their office but they couldn’t even get into town. Their data was secure in our data center but with no forethought on whom and how it would be accessed they were effectively shut down. And they were frantic!

This left us wondering, how do we help now? How do we provide the service levels our clients need and expect? We had done ourselves and our client a disservice by not working with them to plan ahead for the bevy of emergencies and scenarios they were facing daily.

How We Saved Our Clients

Our failure to foresee that a comprehensive back up and disaster recovery service was only part of the solution cost us a lot. During emergencies emotions flare and no one wants to be left holding the bag. The burgeoning Disaster Recovery service we’d built and were so proud of was actually starting to slow down; customers were leaving us because they thought our service wasn’t good enough. In reality, our service was among the best out there, and we’d really pushed the envelope to provide great coverage with 24/7 support but the gaping hole was the lack of a comprehensive plan that supported the customers during their emergencies. Since nearly all of the care organizations had no plan when they came to us, and we didn’t work with them to create one, we were really failing our customers and I can’t blame the ones who left us.
If you’ve been struggling or have had issues during an emergency I’m willing to bet it’s because you don’t have a plan that matched your organizations needs nor one that incorporates all team members or your disaster recovery service provider.

That’s why now, we not only insist that all of our EverShield clients have the New Standards Plan but why we also provide them to organizations who already have their own service but still need the best plan to tie it to their specific organizational requirements. The New Standards Plan is comprehensive enough to use with any service provider!

See, it’s not that we were the only ones discovering the necessity of a plan, lots of expensive consulting firms had been doing this for some time, but it was the fact that we were building plans specifically for our health care clients in conjunction with the bullet proof service that we knew inside and out. This was the real key!

The big consulting firms generally just produced a lengthy consultation because that’s how they got paid; they weren’t familiar with the specifics of the recovery software and cloud design that was desperately needed to mesh into those plans for the client’s ultimate success. We were building super effective plans that got our clients from 0 to 100 fast, incorporating all their backup services not just for recovery but for HIPAA compliance as well.

The 3 Keys of The New Standards Disaster Recovery Plan

Because we’ve literally built thousands of disaster recovery plans for care organizations we’ve used our experience to refine the planning process to hit only those most pertinent components specific to care organizations to give our customers an easy to employ yet concise plan that ensures their operational success. We’ve combined business continuity planning, disaster recovery strategies, compliance coverage, and testing to make a plan that is so robust any key members of your organizations team will be able to restore from any disaster.

• Key #1 By implementing The New Standards Disaster Recovery Plan you’ll avoid 96% of downtime. *Hint…It’s all about Recovery!!
• Key #2 How to be in the 10% of businesses who survive a major outage.
• Key #3 Alleviate the threats of Ransomware with certainty!

Plan Objective

Every care organization is different and has distinct needs for managing its operations. To state your organizations plan objective is to make clear what everyone involved in the recovery process is focused on the same goal!

• Achieve restoration of All Mission Critical applications, Stop a 0% workflow, and achieve100% normal operations

Personnel Responsibilities

The placement of the personnel responsibilities at the forefront of the plan is key to maintaining organization during an emergency. We’ve seen this step alone improve recovery times by hours and in some cases days because it makes it easy for anyone looking at the plan to find those key contacts immediately and to know what they should be doing. Because IT managers say that an outage consumes 100% of their time, supporting team members help the business in the most efficient way possible, through teamwork!

Plan Scope

We currently have a specialty practice client who has 10 servers under our disaster recovery service but notably over 100 workstations backed up as well. When defining their scope it was imperative to include the workstations as recovery priorities because the applications that the doctors use on their laptops are crucial to their daily patient interactions. Only restoring their servers would eventually get all data and apps restored but by including their workstations the recovery time is more than a day faster


Using the priority definitions we may ascertain which servers are important to the backbone of the company’s operations and thus prioritize which will be able to tolerate longer downtimes with the goal of recovering the most critical to operations first. Asgard qualifies servers based on a communication, and cash flow basis. Meaning if a server is critical to being able to charge clients or communicate with clients, that server warrants a higher priority.

Recovery Objectives

One of the biggest reasons we hear care organizations don’t have a complete disaster recovery plan is due their sheer complexity. Knowing your maximum downtime, which is called your Recovery Point Objective, will allow you to more efficiently regain operations after a disaster. A thorough prioritization of your most critical applications in conjunction with your available bandwidth and restore times will yield you the fastest path to recovery in core business operations. After all, every minute you’re down costs you real money.

Payor Case Study

A regional insurance provider has a very robust disaster recovery service which we provide for them. You can see here that they use 3 core services to back up their machines. This customized strategy gives them triple redundancy and the plan we put together to incorporate all of their services makes the difference when it comes to knowing what data is where and thus the best way to restore it. For example, if one of their physical machines in their office fails their plan instructs that they first restore from on-site backups. Why? Because it’s the fastest way to get data up and running again. Now, if their primary office were to experience a major power outage then they would resort to their secondary office location. Why? Because it’s running on their same primary infrastructure and while not as fast as restoring on-site backups it is the next best option for them. The EverShield cloud would be the third, yet most resilient option but would only be used when options 1 and 2 were no longer viable.

Incident Response

This may sound obvious but a hospital we service misdiagnosed an electrical surge and didn’t feel the need to alert us because they planned to restore from on-site backups. The problem was since the diagnosis was not accurate or shared with us, it actually took them several weeks to discover that over 80% of their servers had experienced data loss. It just wasn’t evident upon first inspection because of the way the surge hit some of their machines. With the right diagnosis we would’ve recommended that they run from our cloud until they could fully diagnose the severity of their loss. In their case an inappropriate incident response cost them time and lost productivity which as we all know is real money.

Disaster Recovery Procedures

We all hear about disasters on a near daily basis. And because each outage can be unique its critical to first discern what type of emergency outage you are facing. The coordination of the disaster recovery team is crucial and having preset steps with specificity to an outage type the team can coordinate faster and start moving to the recovery point asap!

• Discern type of outage. Ie. Power Failure from super storm.
• Identify issue, outline initial response
• Contact Service Provider
• Communicate stated recovery targets and timeframes
• Review Recovery Zones and Targets
• Initiate Recovery Process

Hurricane Case Study

During Hurricane Sandy, which hit the east coast very hard just a few years ago (Maryland, West Virginia, NY, NJ): one of our clients in New York was without power for over 241 hours. That’s over 4 business days! Because they had cloud fail over at our data center and had a well mapped out plan for how to operate from outside of New York, their personnel relocated for the week at their New Jersey offices and ran the same applications they always had from the cloud. They didn’t have to deal with cyber security consultants or expensive audits to determine the path that would work for them; they had the New Standards of Disaster Recovery Plan firmly in place already!

Fail Over Case Study

Failover is where the rubber meets the road. We support a large Accountable Care Organization who provides services to thousands of other care providers. They literally store the medical & billing records of millions of patients.

When we dug in during their assessment phase we learned the difficulty they had in previous emergencies getting their critical applications up in sufficient time. The reason? Like most other organizations they had never put all the details together to ensure their failover success. In their case, they needed mapped networking instructions for their cloud servers. Meaning when they failed over to a cloud environment their servers were there and they could access them but they didn’t work the way they should because they weren’t communicating with each other.

This seemingly small oversight was enough to cost them more than a day of downtime during an outage! What they needed was a plan to outline the accurate connectivity requirements and a service partner who could facilitate those instructions ahead of time. We were happy to oblige.

Fail Back Process

Failing back is quite possibly the trickiest of all the recovery steps, and often the most critical to restoring operations back to their original state.
Failing back is the second act of restoring all data after a successful failover. Recall our case study on the New York client who operated from their New Jersey office during the hurricane and accessed all their applications in the cloud. After the power came back on in NYC they had to physically clean up their office and bring all their new and old data down from the cloud to new hardware in their offices. It gets complicated when hardware has to be replaced or physical damage has been done to the premises. These components make failing back with a true IT partner all the more valuable.

Data Retention Periods

Because we have produced thousands of the New Standards of Disaster Recovery Plans for health care clients we’ve seen our clients learn the hard way how difficult it is to comply with HIPAA and state guidelines for managing patient data. Each state has unique requirements surrounding how long data must be stored. For example, Texas state laws usurp HIPAA with regard to duration and require patient data to be stored for a period of 7years.

The last thing we want is to get a call from our clients asking for data that we don’t have because their retention times were never covered in their plan or service level agreements.

HIPAA Compliance

Yes, a backup plan is required to comply with HIPAA. As are offsite backups and a service that facilitates emergency operation like a cloud service provider. I know HIPAA is always looming and we’re tired of paying for training and consultants to tell us what’s changed and what we need to do now.

HIPAA Requirements:

1. Data Backup Plan (Required)
2. Disaster Recovery Plan (Required)
3. Emergency Mode Operation Plan (Required)
4. Testing and Revision Procedures (Addressable)
5. Applications and Data Criticality Analysis (Addressable) Source: HHS

We’ve been through the process of our clients being audited for compliance and I guarantee you that it’s much easier and cheaper to be prepared than to have to drop everything and comply with an audit. Our experience has led us to build the New Standards Disaster Recovery Plan and because it’s more comprehensive and factors in critical items like HIPAA compliance it hits all the requirements for health care organizations to cover all bases for HIPAA and disaster recovery.

Testing and Plan Review

Semiannual testing and updates to your plan are like regular visits to your doctor, they provide critical discoveries to changes within your organization that may have a material impact on your disaster recovery readiness. Something as simple as an IT support staff being promoted must be noted, otherwise when the true test comes there will be a glaring gap which can prove impossible to survive during an emergency. We strongly recommend only using a disaster recovery service provider who includes testing in their service like Asgard does.

Secure Communication Service

All too often we see email servers hosted in house by our clients and even though restoring them may be high up on the priority list the time without secure communications, especially in active health care facilities, can cost you everything.

Imagine a hospital whose entire IT environment crashes and there are active patients in the facility. Your mobile device still works but your email server is down, thus, no access to email. That’s why we’ve included secure communications as a necessary component of the New Standards Plan. Having the flexibility and security to be hosted from anywhere yet still maintain encrypted data enables our clients to remain efficacious in their communications and data sharing during an outage.

Key #2 How to be in the 10% of businesses who survive a major outage

Backups alone give a False Sense of Security. The number one reason we’ve found care organizations don’t have a disaster recovery solution is because they believe their file level backups are sufficient. While in some cases they are, like when you lose a folder or an email, but they don’t cut it in a full blown outage. Not even close.

Because vendors typically only work around the service they provide, they may not know how to work in conjunction with other services, or even want to, and may even send misleading messages like, “the file backups are sufficient for all of your disaster recovery.” We’ve seen the deceptive and unclear practices of service vendors and we feel for you. The nature of the messaging and complexity of the service mix makes it very hard to plan and misleads the client to believe they actually have a disaster recovery service sufficient to support their organization. And often, the larger the software provider, the less information they are willing to make clear to you. We’ve tested them all, and are continually blown away by the lack of concern the health care organization receive when working with vendors to purchase their recovery services.

Backups are a big piece of the overall solution but do not get you there alone. Incredibly, we never see all services accounted for in disaster recovery plans which is not surprising given 54% of businesses now use a hybrid backup strategy, meaning a combination of onsite backups like tape and offsite backups like cloud, it just gets too complex without the right plan.

Hospital Case Study

I recently sat with the Director of IT for a regional hospital who was using well-known backup software, which allowed him to store full backups in the cloud, but importantly not run any of his applications from the cloud, and file level backups in his office. After I applauded his acumen for using solid backup software I asked him what he would do if his server room in the hospital were flooded and the hardware destroyed. He looked at me for a minute… and then replied that he would just have to wait to order new hardware to be ordered and install the backups once it was delivered. He had no plan! He hadn’t even considered probable disaster scenarios. At that point I gently tried to direct the conversation to an immediate planning consultation, which he gladly agreed to.

A comprehensive disaster recovery plan incorporates all disaster recovery services and is best delivered by a managed service provider

• Onsite backups
• Remote cloud backups
• Tape backups
• Any disaster recovery service provided by a vendor

The New Standards of Disaster Recovery Plan is about incorporating all of your services and utilizing them to their fullest. Why? Because like any good tool they have usefulness but you can’t build a house with just a hammer alone. The right plan puts the right tool into practice at the right time saving you time and money! Not leaving you exposed to the elements…literally!

Key #3 Alleviate the damages of Ransomware with certainty!

Ransomware is one of many types of malicious software that uses encryption to hold your organizations data hostage, it’s like an invisible terrorist that captures your family and will only release them once you send them money!

According to Beazley, in 2018 the health care industry was the brunt of nearly 50% of all ransomware attacks, that’s terrorists coming for your data.

Cybersecurity threats are growing by the day and the hackers are coming for the same target, your data. No wonder 50% of companies report that they do not feel prepared for this eminent threat (source: It’s been our experience that although there are numerous ways to protect your perimeter (think networks and passwords) from ransomware, none are fool proof. In fact, 75% of companies infected with ransomware were running up-to-date perimeter protection. (Source: Sophos) Having multiple redundant copies of your entire system is the only 100% sure fire way to recover. We know because we’ve done it and plan for it all the time.

Managed Service Organization Case Study

A 125 employee managed service organization who is a current customer of ours opened a support ticket with our help desk about two years ago. The message was a bit unclear and a bit frantic but we immediately knew what had happened to them. It’s a telltale sign when users’ screens flash red with warning signs like, “Oops, your files have been encrypted!”

“Cryptolocker,” was the name of the attack and money is what the hackers wanted, BitCoin actually. See they’d encrypted over 40 million files, everything from human resource files, to patient data, and even the accounting records. This once highly productive and functioning organization was brought to its knees because one employee made the mistake of clicking on a link in their email that allowed the ransomware to access their network. That’s literally all it took, one click. Their IT team, anti-virus and firewall were completely bypassed in seconds. They were left with two choices; pay the ransom and hope the files would be released, or completely wipe their systems and restore everything they had from last night’s backups. Because fewer than 30% of business hit with ransomware never get their data back from the hackers the choice was obvious, don’t negotiate with terrorists!

We immediately went into action and 2 person disaster recovery support team were appointed to the case. First step was respond to the ticket telling them what we knew; the second was getting the appropriate parties at the managed service organization on the phone to act on the first step of their New Standards Disaster Recovery Plan.

As soon as our teams connected we simply followed the plan. And because their plan had all the pertinent steps outlined already the restoration of their systems and files happened as fast as their bandwidth would allow them to, which turned out to be less than 2 hours for their Extreme Rated systems to just under 24 hours for their low priority files, from start to finish. No ransom paid, just some timely anti-phishing education and beefed up email filtering.

This story ended well but the truth is over 1/3 of organizations hit with ransomware take over a week to regain access to their data it’s a difficult decision. That can be hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in lost revenues and long term reputational damage hurting business for years.
The New Standards Plan and a matching recovery service were well coordinated between the client and Asgard which enabled their speedy recovery from a true terrorist situation.

Is Your Business Worth Protecting?

Disaster Recovery does not need to be Expensive or Time Consuming. I’m not just talking about saving money but also peoples’ jobs. Did you know the vast majority of businesses close their doors after an unsuccessful recovery? That’s why consultants charge exorbitant amounts for disaster recovery plans which typically cost $15-20 thousand dollars and can take the better part of a month to complete. Couple that headache with the misleading information backup software companies push on us and it’s no wonder most organizations don’t have a sufficient plan.
When you look at the risk reward, and know that 93% of companies without a disaster recovery plan go out of business after a disaster, doesn’t it make sense to have a customized plan?

What if you could have a fully customized plan with less than a couple hours of your time and at a fraction of the cost of the average plan? Wouldn’t that be worth it?

According to CNN, Over 50% of companies have experienced a downtime event costing OVER $100k. Having a customized plan may seem like a daunting challenge but with experienced consultation you’ll see it can be done efficiently and lead to successful IT service partnership.

This is exactly why we produce The New Standards Disaster Recovery Plans at a fraction of the price and time. What would it feel like knowing your organization was prepared for any disaster? The average company is losing $2.6mm / day for every outage. What would it cost you to be down for 1 business day?

If all you had to do was spend an hour with one of our Disaster Recovery experts to ensure your care organization was prepared and survive any disaster, wouldn’t it be worth it?

Free Gaps in Service Assessment

Because we understand your obstacles to get started we’re offering a free gaps in service consultation which will enable you to consult directly with one of our disaster recovery experts and receive a free summary of exactly where you should have more coverage, any liabilities you have with compliance, and our valuable recommendations on how to make your care organization disaster resilient.

You’ll Receive Free:

• One on one consultation with one of our Disaster Recovery Experts
• Cover all components of your current Disaster Recovery service levels
• Outline gaps in your current services
• Note gaps in HIPAA compliance
• Recommendations for curing gaps

It comes back to you in a one page brief so you can quickly see exactly where you’re exposed and how to take action!
This consultation takes only 15-30 minutes and is a massive eye opener for all of the health care companies we’ve ever dealt with.
Every care organization has different requirements. Whether that be because of multiple offices, different backup services, or simply because there’s so much confusion around disaster recovery planning that by first conducting a Gaps in Service Assessment of our clients systems and services they receive the most immediate value and it really opens up the conversation for them to understand where they need to improve their plan and how to immediately improve their coverage.

Who is the Gaps in Service Assessment for?

• Accountable Care Organizations
• Independent Provider Associations
• Hospitals
• Managed Service Organizations
• Specialty practices
• Payers

It’s for any care or payer organization that has more than 50 employees and who must maintain backups and failover capabilities to comply with HIPAA and protect their medical records.
We’ve seen that time, especially downtime, is a critical measure in the costs of disaster recovery. This free assessment is designed to give you the biggest return possible on a small investment of your time.

You’ll be able to:

• Quickly see the gaps in your current service coverage.
• Understand what steps you need to make to be HIPAA compliant.
• Identify your Recovery Time Objectives.
• Understand if you need just backups or true cloud replication.
• Complete the first step in achieving a complete Disaster Recovery plan.

Perfect for C-Suite buy in

Did you know 18% of business leaders are not confident that they could recover from a disaster? This free assessment is a great way to show initiative to the c-suite and get them to feel your pain and concern, which most of them don’t, the importance of a cohesive plan and how to turn liabilities into ROI while ensuring business resiliency.

• Understand the where you’re at risk NOW.
• Assessment shows cost analysis of downtime and what that means in lost revenue.
And you’ll be able to get rid of
• Inappropriate plans.
• HIPAA fears.
• Expensive services that don’t support your Recovery Time Objectives.
• Old hardware that will not meet your new Disaster Recovery plan.
• That feeling of NOT being prepared.

It’s not your fault. 75% of care organizations don’t have a Disaster Recovery plan. Why? The number one reason is they’re too busy dealing with the day to day issues of managing IT. It’s incredible but it’s true. That’s why I’m making this offer to you now!

You Now have two choices:

• Fist Option – Do nothing, stay in the same boat you’re in now, and hope it doesn’t sink during the next storm.
• Second Option – Invest only a small amount of your time, 30 minutes by phone and receive expert advice on all the holes in your current service coverage and plan for FREE.

When you receive your free report you’re going to understand exactly what’s been missing from your plan and what your next best steps are.
I’m showing you the value in having a customized Disaster Recovery plan so you can avoid lost revenue and productivity at your care organization. The time savings you and your staff will receive by knowing the correct steps to take during a disaster make this a huge return on your investment of time. But if you don’t take action now, you know you’ll be in the same boat tomorrow as you are today. To make this first step an easy one I’m offering you a Free current state assessment to show you all the gaps in your current Disaster Recovery service and plan. The real risk is doing nothing to improve and staying at risk of not knowing what to do during an outage. This report will take your organization to the next level of resiliency!

1000’s of plans for our clients

I know that you’re smart and if you didn’t see the value in improving your organizations resiliency you wouldn’t be here right now. We’ve successfully designed thousands of The New Standards Disaster Recovery plans for our clients, and each one of them was an improvement on their Disaster Recovery scenario. We’ve been there right alongside our clients executing those exact plans during emergencies and I can tell you, THEY WORK! By know you understand the #1 way to see, risk free if you really need a full Disaster Recovery planning session is to first conduct a gaps in services assessment and understand your risks.

Sign Up for Assessment – Free

It’s very simple to sign up. Simply click the button below, enter your name, email, company name, and phone number and select a convenient time for you to get your free consultation.

There’s no catch, we do this because it provides the greatest amount of value for the least cost to our clients.

Does that make sense?

Good, click the button now and we’ll be speaking with you very soon!!